Friday, 29 July 2011

Turning Over a New Page

Congrats to me! I finally got around to doing this. Talk about procrastinating ........
I hope to mainly share news, class dates and some projects with you - then I'll know what I'm doing and when I'm supposed to be doing it!!!! (lol).

To kick off here are the dates and times for the next couple of classes:
Sat 30 July
09h00 - 12h00: New Beginners class at Thimbles 'n Threads (Group B)
14h00 - 17h00: Private class in Hayfields

Wed 03 Aug
09h00 - 12h00: New Beginners class at Thimbles 'n Threads (Wed group)

Sat 06 August
09h00 - 12h00 Group A Class at Thimbles 'n Threads

Sat 13 August
09h00 - 12h00 FIRST Tunisian (Afghan) Class at Thimbles 'n Threads

Sat 20 August
09h00 - 12h00 Group A Class at Thimbles 'n Threads

And that dear friends is about it for now.
Groetnis, Mari B


  1. Sally Chesterton30 July 2011 at 21:49

    It looks like you are getting things together - great stuff.
    I am chuffed for you!

  2. Found you!
    So glad you are up and running and looking forward to sharing our creative journey in Pietermaritzburg.
